Is Signal alternate of whatsapp messenger, people switching to signal app why? : apkplane

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Signal is also a very popular social media now days. most of the people switching to signal after whatsapp update its privacy policy. But why signal, Is it secured ? and why people switching to signal…

Signal is a social messaging application as same as whatsapp through which u can connect with your knows ones or with friends and signal app is available on android, iphone or ipad, window, linux and signal app is developed by signal foundation and this is a non- profit foundation and launched in 2014 and marlinspike is the CEO of signal messaging app.

Few days ago whatsapp updates its privacy policy and terms after that whatsapp user worried about their privacy and security because according to whatsapp privacy policies user personal data is shared with facebook and with insatgram that’s why people start searching for alternate of whatsapp messenger and also look for secured platform.

And the signal is also a messaging app as same as whatsapp and also this is a secured messenger and took user privacy seriously. According to signal they focus on privacy with all feature as same as whatsapp messenger also with end-to-end encryption chats. And keep user chats, calls and conversation private.

After the announcement by whatsapp privacy policy and terms there is huge downfall in the whatsapp messenger user data base regarding to privacy and security of whatsapp user and at movement SpaceX CEO Elon musk make a tweet and say people to use signal. after the tweet by Elon musk whatsapp lose million of its user there is huge loss of active user.

The tweet of Elon musk affect both the messaging app whatsapp messenger loss active user and signal messenger start gaining of user, million of people switching to signal because of security and privacy issues.

In recent days signal have over 17 million downloads and get huge active user data base and same as whatsapp have downfall in whatspp active user database. After getting huge flux on signal there is technical issue occurred while sending or receiving messages. And company claims it is due to high number of user signing on signal messenger and say they resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Also from India, people start switching to signal and thousands of people download signal and use because of security and privacy feature of signal. now day’s everyone talk about signal and recommend to use signal there is a big reason of switching of people on signal is whatspp privacy policy and terms.

With the new whtatspp privacy and policies whatsapp remove user account permanently if they did not accept the new whatsapp privacy policy and terms. After the announcement of new privacy policies whatsapp extend the the date of accepting privacy policy till may, after all that people stop using whatsapp and start switching to signal or similar messaging app.

Signal provide end-to-end encryption and better privacy and security to user so that user feel free to use signal and also it is open source app. after update whatsapp privacy policy people switching to signal, it is similar to whatsapp and seems alternate of whatsapp with better security and privacy of user.