“Whatsapp dark mode” how to use in smartphones and in whatsapp web on dekstop…

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Whastapp company offers the feature of dark mode in whatsapp as well as in whatsapp web for better experience to the users…

If you’re using the whatsapp for a long time you may listened about the whatsapp dark mode feature, When user use whatsapp in normal mode for a long period then it may affects on eyes because of the brighter light of smartphone screen. And this affects more when people use whatsapp in night for a long period.

So in whatsapp dark mode feature brighter light change to black light, Only the fonts is in white colour or profile picture and groups icons are same as before. This mode offer the better vision to users in day lights and also in night it reduce the light screen light and user get better clarity of fonts even in low brightness.

Whatsapp web dark mode feature reduce the battery consumption of the smartphone while using of whatsapp because in this almost screen is black, And this uses less battery as compared to brighter screen like while using power saving mode in smartphones all the colour screen changes into black for the increase of battery even at low percentage.

whatsapp dark mode

Switch on to dark mode while using whatsapp in smartphone or in dekstop here is the steps for enabling of dark mode…

How to enable whatsapp dark mode in smartphone :

Step 1 : Update or install the latest version of whatsapp in smartphone.

Step 2 : Open Whatspp.

Step 3 : Click on the dots bar on upper right corner.

Step 4 : Go to setting.

Step 5 : Click on chats.

Step 6 : Select themes And choose dark mode and tick on this and click ok.

After the following steps default theme change to dark mode theme, Back to main menu the brighter screen change into black dim screen.

Whatsapp company also upgrade the dark mode feature in whatapp web. so user can use dark mode feature in whatspp web on their dekstop also.

At that time many company employees work from home due to COVID 19 and they spend most of the time on their dekstop, while working they need whatsapp of their work purpose. So it is difficult to use brighter screen for a long period. It is necessary to optimize the dekstop screen for less eyes effect.

So there is dark mode feature in whatsapp web on dekstop and this is how to enable dark mode on dekstop.

How to enable dark mode feature on dekstop :

Step : 1 Open whatsapp web on dekstop.

Step : 2 Click on the dots bar on upper right corner.

Step : 3 Go to setting.

Step : 4 click on themes and choose dark and click ok for save the setting.

And now dark themes enabled in whatsapp web on dekstop.

It is possible when user open whatsapp web then whatsapp is already in dark mode because of system default setting, Otherwise user can change the setting according to the steps.

Also some people love to use dark mode or dark themes while using smartphones and in dekstop so this feature is very useful for those people. And another benefit of using dark themes is less effect of eyes while using and working on smartphone and dekstop.

And its improves the visuality in day light and in nights while working and using of the devices, Even at low brightness of the screen of device there is no issue in vision of the fonts and did not cause and problem while working on it. This is the great feature for every user who love to use dark mode or dark themes.

So here is the steps of enable dark mode feature or dark themes on whatsapp in smartphone as well as in whatsapp web on dekstop.