Whatsapp updates it’s privacy policy & terms, User data privacy concern explained:apkplane

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Recently whatsapp updates it’s privacy policy & terms for the improvement of service said by whatsapp , whatsapp users is now confused is whatsapp is secure enough by privacy or security point of view, there are some important points of whatsapp updated privacy policy we need to know about it…

Whatsapp Account information :

As we know when we create account on whatsapp, whatsapp need some details like mobile number so whats app collect user basic information profile picture, mobile number, profile name, about section details etc.

User Messages and media and status :

According to whatsapp chats is end-to-end encrypted but id there are some undelivered which is not send at that time like if recipient is not available or some internet issue the wthatsapp try to deliver messages with encryption within 30 days after that whatsapp delete those messages. Also user media like what we share on groups and forward to other in collect by whatsapp data with encryption. whtsapp also collect data of user status, like what user share on status on account.

User device information :

There is some data collect by whatsapp which is essential and also necessary for functioning of whatsapp like whatsapp use our current location while we send our location to others this is necessary for sharing of location. Also whatsapp collect phone model, whats app usage, location, IP address, internet provider etc.

whatsapp update privacy

Communication & connections :

Whatsapp also collect data like how much groups we joined, groups created by user and also what type of content we share on groups as well as group profile picture, group name and description. And with this when we face some problem on whatsapp and if we contact to whatsapp by email then the email or other related information is collected by whatsapp.

User data usage information :

According to new policy whatsapp also collect information about User data usage information according to new policy whatsapp also collect information about activity like user calling information on whatsapp etc.

Transactions activity and payments details :

As we all know there is also a feature of whatsapp payments, when we use whatsapp payment for transaction after buying something or do some other money transfer then whatsapp collect account details and transaction and shipping details also. whatsapp collect business whatsapp account data like transaction, shipping details, payment details etc.

Some other personal user data :

whatsapp also collect user other personal data like user phone book contacts and library. And when user attached google drive or service for backup their data and store these services whatsapp also collect this information of user.

As we all know whatsapp is owned by facebook company as well as instagram is also a name of facebook company. So according to new policies whatsapp share user data with facebook or with instagram for advertisement like : after agree to whatsapp new policies whatsapp use user data to show related advertisement what user talk about or share with others on different platforms like on instagram or on facebook.

User can understand these privacy policies like if user allow the privacy policies all the bank details, details transactions collect by whatsapp as user use whats app pay and the whatsapp analyze purchasing and spent capacity then show advertisement on instagram or on facebook according to analysis.

These are the some important updates of new whatsapp privacy policy and terms. And there is a time limit for agree to whatsapp privacy policies is 8 february 2020 after that user cannot use whatsapp service without allowing of terms and privacy policies.

After announce of new terms and policies user thinks about their privacy concern and also a fear of personal data after all that whatsapp clarify that user privacy is priority and whatsapp says that all the chat is end-to-end encrypted and give clarification on new terms and privacy policies.