What is zip file, How to open a zip file for free in Smartphone/PC very easily…

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What is zip file And how to open a zip file in any smartphone or in laptop with easiest way, You don’t have to pay for opening of the zip file in your smartphone and in your computer.

Zip file introduced in 1980s era and nowadays zip files is commonly used for sharing the data with high speed. Zip file is widely used in every sector like in banking sector, Business sector, Medical line, Education industries or for many other purpose.

But now a question is arise what is Zip file and and how it works or why this is very popular in every field and every person needs it most for their work. So there is brief introduction about the zip file.

What is zip file :

Zip file is a group on many single files and those files grouped togather and compressed in a single file. And the compression of those files make the size small in a zip file.

In zip files there are many types of file can be compressed or archive like images, PDF files, videos, .exe files, documents and many others file.

Many of us uses the zip file but we don’t know about how zip files work or what happen with our data or file when we transfer or receive a zip files and what is the process happen when we convert our data files in a zip file.

So here is the simplest explanation about how zip files work or what happen when you use or convert your data into a zip file.

How zip files Works :

In zip file a technique is used that is Data compression while you create a zip file. That means when you select your files or folder together and convert your files in a single zip file then there is process happen which compress your data files so that the size of your file is reduced.

The data compression technique compress the data files in such a reliable manner, So that when you unzipped your files the data files are come in the same size and quality and there is no loss or the data.

Zip files formats :

There are many zip files formats nowadays like Zip, RAR, BZIP, LZIP, XZ, 7-ZIp, TAR etc. But there are some commonly used formats is : RAR, 7-ZIP, TAR.

But also every formats have their own specification, Like some formats supports password protection means when someone unzipped your files or if that files is password protected so without password that is not opened.

And now how can we open a zip file in our smartphone and in computer, So there are many way to open a zip file, You can use a software for compression or decompression of data files or you can do this online.

How open zip file in a smartphone :

Step 1 : Go to play store or app store and search Zip extractor or WINRAR.

Step 2 : Install one of those application and open it.

Step 3 : Give all the permission (required by the application).

Step 4 : Select the zipped file You want to open And extract it and you will find your data after process.

Or you can directly go to google and search (open zip file online) and go to any website and select your zip file and you can extract you data.

How to open zip file in a PC :

Step 1 : Go to browser and search Zip extractor or WINRAR.

Step 2 : Install one of those application and open it.

Step 3 : Give all the permission (required by the application).

Step 4 : Select the zipped file You want to open And extract it and you will find your data after process. Or you can directly right click on the file and select open with WINRAR or Zip extractor.

Or you can directly go to google and search (open zip file online) and go to any top website and select your file and you can extract you data files easily.

So that is the way you can open your zip files in you smartphone or in your computers. Also there are many reason and benefits why people uses zip files.

Benefits of zip files :

Zip files is commonly used in internet and this data technology helped us a lot.

  • Zip file saves times when you transferring your data to other, Because small size files are easy to transfer
  • Zip files saves internet data while sending the files to others.
  • Even we can use zip file for saving the storage usage in our smartphone/PC.
  • Use zip file for the protection of the data file with password so that other people can’t access your data without your permission.

So these are the benefits and reasons why you have to use zip files and work in a smarter way.

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